
Arto O. Salonen

Professor, Principal Investigator (PI)
University of Eastern Finland, Department of Social Sciences
Salonen works as a professor of social pedagogy (especially sustainable well-being). He studies the transition to sustainable living from the perspective of well-being. Recent areas of interest have been planetary citizenship and planetary inclusion.
Planetary social pedagogy, Sustainability transformation, Sustainable well-being, Well-being transformation
+358 50 359 0613

Lassi Linnanen

Work package lead
LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT)
Linnanen works as a professor of environmental economics and management and has more than 30 years of international experience in solving sustainability challenges.
Sufficiency economy, Sustainability transformation
Ecological macroeconomic model
+358 50 550 3305

Elina Kilpi-Jakonen

Work package lead
University of Turku
Kilpi-Jakonen works as an associate professor of sociology. Her areas of expertise are related to social inequality, intergenerational inequality and immigration. She works at the INVEST Research Flagship Centre and leads projects related to young people with an immigration background, education and well-being.
Education, , Vulnerable groups
Attitudes to the future of vulnerable groups
+358 44 274 6613

Katriina Siivonen

Work package lead and deputy PI of the project
University of Turku
As an adjunct professor of cultural heritage research and a university lecturer in futures studies, Siivonen combines future research, cultural heritage research and sustainability science into a transdisciplinary entity in her work. Through more than 25 years of research, she has developed the study of cultural sustainability transformation and heritage futures into a thematic research area integrated into society.
Cultural heritage, Cultural sustainability, Cultural sustainability transformation, Futures research, Qualitative participatory research
Heritage Futures for just transformation
+358 50 322 8015

Aleksi Neuvonen

Project interaction director
Demos Helsinki
Neuvonen has more than 20 years of experience in research and innovation connected to sustainability transformations, as well as interaction work that focuses on social change.
Futures research, Interaction, , Sustainability transformation
Transition arenas to create just and effective solutions
+358 50 534 4241

Teemu Koskimäki

Deputy-PI of the project, researcher
University of Eastern Finland
Koskimäki works as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Social Sciences and his research interests include ecological macroeconomics, economic growth addiction and sufficiency solutions.
Ecological economics, Growth addiction, Post-growth, Sustainable well-being, Wellbeing economics
Ecological macroeconomic model

Natasha Järviö

LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT)
Järviö is a post-doctoral researcher specialized in modeling environmental impacts related to the food system using life cycle assessment and environmentally-extended input output analysis (EEIO). She is particularly interested in (improving) biodiversity assessments and nature-friendly farming practices, such as regenerative agriculture.
Biodiversity, Ecological macroeconomic modeling, Environment (technology)
Ecological macroeconomic model
+358 50 569 8820

Miika Marttila

LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT)
Marttila is a doctoral researcher in the sustainability change research group. He is finishing his dissertation, focusing on sustainable rural bioeconomy models and their symbioses.
Bioeconomy, LCA, Sustainability transformation, Systems thinking
Ecological macroeconomic model
+358 50 355 6489

Anni Marttinen

LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT)
Marttinen has previously worked as an economist at the European Central Bank, VM, SAK and SOSTE ry. She developed Finland’s first wellbeing economy steering model and is now researching solutions where ecology, well-being and equality are at the center, using the new ecological macroeconomic FINGREEN model.
Ecological economy, Ecological macroeconomic modeling, Growth addiction, Sufficiency solutions, Wellbeing economics
Ecological macroeconomic model
+358 40 765 8584

Ville Uusitalo

LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT)
Uusitalo works as an assistant professor and his research focuses especially on the environmental sustainability of products and systems from a life cycle perspective. Currently, he is particularly interested in the calculation of the natural footprint and the development of calculation methods.
Biodiversity, Ecological macroeconomic modeling, Life cycle, Natural footprint
Ecological macroeconomic model
+358 40 586 4486

Laura Heiskala

University of Turku
Heiskala works as a senior researcher at the INVEST Research Flagship Centre. Her expertise is connected to intergenerational relationships, social inequality and social justice.
Register data, , Statistical/Quantitative methods, Vulnerable groups
Attitudes to the future of vulnerable groups

Teija Makkonen

University of Eastern Finland
Makkonen’s research topics are connected to social inequality and strengthening the participation of vulnerable groups in social change. Her socio-pedagogical research approach combines educational and social science perspectives.
Inclusion, , Vulnerable groups
Attitudes to the future of vulnerable groups

Teija Koskela

University of Turku
Adjunct professor Koskela works as a university researcher and her research interests are social inclusion as a part of sustainable development, trust, inclusion and supporting inclusion in the context of education.
Education, Inclusion, , Teacher education, Trust
Trust in institutions during a green transition
+358 50 469 8752

Kristiina Korjonen-Kuusipuro

Senior Researcher
Youth Research and Development Center Juvenia, Southeast Finland
Adjunct professor Korjonen-Kuusipuro has a background in cultural anthropology and her research interests include human-place relations, human-environment relations and human-technology interaction especially among youth. In SISU, she examines affective experiences related to sufficiency transition.
Affective experiences, Anticipatory beliefs, Cultural transition, Heritage futures, Sustainable lifestyles
Heritage Futures for just transformation
+358 50 439 9486

Amanda Halme

University of Turku
Halme works as a project researcher at the Futures Research Center and her research is located in the areas of cultural heritage research, future research, urban research and humanistic environmental sciences. The research theme is a more sustainable society, emphasizing the perspective of cultural sustainability.
Cultural sustainability, Cultural sustainability transformation, Environmental humanities, Futures research, Urban research
Attitudes to the future of vulnerable groups, Heritage Futures for just transformation

Seona Candy

Senior Researcher
Demos Helsinki
Candy is an experienced researcher with over a decade of experience with transdisciplinary multi-stakeholder research projects with public, private and civil actors focusing on visions, scenarios and pathways for sustainability transformations and socio-ecological system dynamics.
Citizen engagement, Communication and dissemination, Just transition, Sustainability transformation, Transdisciplinary interaction and learning, Transition arenas
Transition arenas to create just and effective solutions

Hilma Möttönen

Social interaction specialist
University of Eastern Finland
Möttönen is a project researcher interested in science communication, sustainable well-being and (social) media research. Her duties in the SISU project are linked to building and facilitating interaction and social discussion.
Interaction, Science communication, Science popularization, Sustainable well-being
Transition arenas to create just and effective solutions
+358 46 921 2305

Salla Kässi

Interaction expert (on parental leave)
Demos Helsinki
Kässi is an expert on science communication and societal interaction. In the SISU project her work concerns especially Transition arenas to create just and effective solutions. In addition, Kässi is a PhD researcher at the University of Helsinki studying the changes and tensions of organizational science communication.
Citizen engagement, Interaction, Science communication, Science popularization
Transition arenas to create just and effective solutions
+358 40 483 7497

Satu Lähteenoja

Demos Helsinki
Lähteenoja has more than 15 years of experience in research and practice for sustainability transformations. In SISU, she studies the use of co-design in advancing transformative change.
Interaction, Sufficiency solutions, Sustainability transformation, Transition arenas
Ecological macroeconomic model, Transition arenas to create just and effective solutions
+358 44 500 2993

Rasmus Sihvonen

Itä-Suomen yliopisto
Sihvonen studies Finns’ lived experiences of sufficiency with dialogic methods. In his research he asks what the moments of having, doing, and being enough are like and how these experiences are connected to our well-being. The dialogues that are a part of the research also aim to envision futures where people have more opportunities to experience these moments.
Dialogue, Experiences of sufficiency, Qualitative research, Sustainable well-being
Heritage Futures for just transformation

Soja Sädeharju

University of Eastern Finland
The topic of Sädeharju’s research is intuition in the decision-making of farmers who have switched to innovative farming. The research is linked to Sädeharju’s other interests in addition to subjective forms of knowledge, such as reformative or regenerative thinking in promoting transformative change, planetary social pedagogy and agricultural discourses as a tool for regenerative paradigm change.
Planetary social pedagogy, Regenerative thinking, Subjective knowledge, Transformative change
Ecological macroeconomic model, Heritage Futures for just transformation
+358 40 777 5515

Mihails Čugunovs

University of Eastern Finland
Čugunovs works as a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Social Sciences. He is developing ecosystem service sub-module and nature restoration scenarios in the ecological macroeconomic model FINGREEN and studies stakeholders’ planetary citizenship in light of nature-inclusiveness.
Ecological macroeconomic modeling, Ecosystem services, Post-growth, Sustainable well-being, Wellbeing economics
Ecological macroeconomic model

Johanna Ollila

University of Turku
Ollila works as a Research Manager at the Futures Research Center. She has developed theory, methods and teaching of futures guidance and futures education for over 15 years. In SISU, Ollila develops and examines futures thinking and faith in the future.
Futures research, Futures thinking, Heritage futures, Qualitative participatory research
Attitudes to the future of vulnerable groups, Heritage Futures for just transformation
+358 40 5200 222

Sofia Suomalainen

Interaction Coordinator
Demos Helsinki
Suomalainen is an event production professional (MA) and a master’s student in sustainable business at Aalto University. She has previously worked as a partnership producer for the Helsinki Pride event and as the executive producer for the Young Artists 2023 Exhibition by the Finnish Artists’ Association.
Ecological economy, Inclusion, Sustainable lifestyles